Merging mobility data, anthropology, and AI to understand commuter behaviour
Public transportation – and mobility in general – has experienced a series of shifts during the pandemic. DSB, the largest provider of public transportation in Denmark, have taken an innovative and open approach to understand and address the changes in behaviour and travel patterns among commuters during the pandemic.
We have helped DSB obtain a better understanding of changes in commuter behaviour through the combination of:
· Mobility-data from Teralytics – geographical areas of interest and overall mobility
· AI-analysis of commuter-related input from both professional and social media
· Commercial data from DSB
· Third party data related to parking in commuter areas
· Road-data from publicly available sources
· Behavioural data and insights from Mobil-Ethnographic study with commuters
With mobility-data from our data-partner, we have been able to prioritise areas of interest and focus our anthropological approach. By combining commercial and travel data, with an anthropological study of behavioural changes, we have provided DSB with a deeper understanding of changes among commuters and insights how to address the target group.
If you want to see how the combination of mobility-data, commercial and qualitative data can provide you with new insights into your target group, please contact Jesper Thomsen for an introduction to our setup and expertise.